

                                                                                      (c)RIE GOUSHI 2018
Memories of springtime-1
Archival pigment print
technique: printed multiple times on a sheet on a paper.

Artist statement

Cherry blossoms are special flowers for Japanese people.
Severe winter is gone, cherry blossoms feel the warm spring. It expresses not only the season but also the heart of theJapanese people. The flower season is short and the beauty is gone quickly in a moment. This represents the feeling of death of the Japanese. so, live to maximum now.

Water is,
Another thing, important to maintain our life. The surface of the earth.Think about water, raindrops to river to flow into the sea.water is flow into the Gaia.water keeps our lives.

This time, I made a work with water and cherry blossoms as a motif.

at Jawa universal language skills